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CDPAP Requirements 2023: What to Know

The Consumer Directed Personal Assistive Program (CDPAP) is a Medicaid-funded program that allows patients to self-direct their own in-home care. This means that patients have the ability to hire, train, and supervise their own caregivers. The program is designed to give patients more control over their care and allow them to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. 

CDPAP has been around for many years, but it has undergone some changes in recent years. The most significant change came in 2019, when New York State implemented a new set of requirements for the program. These changes were designed to make the program more accessible to patients and to ensure that caregivers are properly trained and supervised. 

The changes that were made in 2019 are still in effect today, and they will continue to be in effect until at least 2022. Here are some of the most important things you need to know about the CDPAP requirements for 2022.

Key Takeaways

  • To be a CDPAP care recipient, you must be a New York resident who is enrolled in Medicaid, among other requirements.
  • To be a CDPAP personal assistant, you cannot be a spouse of the person receiving care, and you must fill out a W-4 and I-9.
  • The fees required to get started with CDPAP vary but are generally quite affordable. 

What Are the Eligibility Requirements to Be a CDPAP Care Recipient? 

If you live in New York and need assistance with activities of daily living, you may be eligible for the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP). CDPAP is a Medicaid program that allows recipients to choose their own caregivers, who can be family members, friends, or even neighbors. Keep reading to learn more about the eligibility requirements for this program. 

New York Resident 

According to the NY Department of Health, in order to be eligible for CDPAP services, an individual must be a resident of New York State. This includes both US citizens and legal aliens who have been granted permanent residency status. 

While this residency requirement may pose a challenge for some immigrants, it is important to note that there are many other home care services available that may be more appropriate for their needs. For example, the visiting nurse program operated by the NY Department of Health provides home care services to individuals regardless of their immigration status.

Enrolled in Medicaid 

Being a CDPAP care recipient in NY requires that you are enrolled in Medicaid. If you are not already enrolled, contact your local Social Security office and ask for an application for Medicaid. Once you have the application, fill it out and return it to your local Social Security office. You will then need to provide proof of your income and assets. 

After your application has been processed, you will be notified of your eligibility for Medicaid. If you are eligible, you will need to contact your local Medicaid office and enroll in the program. Once you are enrolled, you will be able to receive the benefits of being a CDPAP care recipient in NY.

In order to be a CDPAP care recipient in NY, there is also often a requirement that you be enrolled in some type of Medicaid Managed Care. 

This is because Medicaid Managed Care provides many of the necessary services and benefits that are required in order to be a successful CDPAP care recipient. These services and benefits can include but are not limited to: prescription drug coverage, doctor visits, hospital stays, mental health services, and more. 

While it is not always required that you be enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care in order to be a CDPAP care recipient in NY, it is strongly encouraged as it can help you receive the best possible care.

Evidence That You Need Assistance with Activities in Day-to-Day Life 

To be eligible for CDPAP, an individual must require assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming, preparing meals, eating, transferring from bed to chair, and using the toilet. 

These activities must be verified by a physician or other licensed health care practitioner familiar with the consumer’s condition. 

The licensed health care practitioner must also attest that the consumer is unable to perform these activities without assistance and that the consumer is able to direct his or her own care. In addition, the consumer must be able to cognitively understand and accept responsibility for directing his or her own care. 

Be Eligible for Home Care 

To be eligible for home care through the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) in New York, you must first be authorized for home care by a licensed healthcare professional. Once you have been authorized for home care, you will then need to choose a CDPAP provider. 

Be Self-Directing or Have Someone Who Can Direct Your Care

The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) is a Medicaid program in New York that allows consumers to self-direct their own in-home care or choose a friend or family member as their care recipient. 

Therefore, a key requirement for eligibility is that you must be self-directing or have someone reliable in place who can do this for you.

​​Must Be Responsible for Recruiting, Training, Hiring, Payroll (Or Have Someone Else Who Is)

Being a CDPAP care recipient in NY comes with a lot of responsibility. Not only do you have to be responsible for recruiting, training, hiring, and payroll for your care team, but you also have to be the one to manage all of the scheduling and caregiving tasks. 

If you don’t want to – or are not physically capable of doing – this yourself, that’s fine. However, you do need to appoint someone who can be in charge of these tasks for you. 

What Are the Eligibility Requirements to Be a CDPAP Personal Assistant?

The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, or CDPAP, is a Medicaid program in New York that allows patients to choose their own caregivers, known as personal assistants. 

While the program offers patients greater control over their care, it also comes with some responsibilities. In order to be eligible to be a CDPAP personal assistant, there are a few requirements you must meet. 

First, you cannot be the care recipient’s spouse. You also cannot be the consumer’s designated representative. 

Additionally, you must obtain and pass a pre-employment physical and have a valid ID and proof of insurance (if driving the patient). You must also agree to follow the verbal and written patient care plan. 

Lastly, you will need to fill out a W-4 form and an I9. 

While some positions may require additional certification or licensing, in general, these are the main requirements for becoming a CDPAP personal assistant.

Are There Any Enrollment or Application Fees? 

This program is available to residents of New York state who are 18 years or older and who have a chronic illness or disability that requires long-term care. 

There are no application or enrollment fees.

I Think I Meet the Requirements – Now What?

Once you have determined that you are eligible for the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) in New York, you will need to take some additional steps in order to apply for the program and begin receiving services. 

First, you will need to reach out to a CDPAP provider in your area and schedule an intake assessment. This assessment will help to determine what type and level of care you will need in order to live as independently as possible. 

Next, you will need to gather all of the required paperwork, which includes a doctor’s certification form, a personal care plan, and a self-care assessment. 

Once you have all of the required paperwork, you will be able to submit your application and begin receiving CDPAP services.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do CDPAP personal assistants get paid? 

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the state in which the personal assistant resides, the duties they are asked to perform, and the number of hours they work. In general, however, CDPAP personal assistants can expect to earn between $10 and $21 per hour. This wage range may be higher in some states and cities, and personal assistants who perform more specialized tasks or who have more experience may earn even more. These wages may also be inclusive of benefits offered by the employer.


These are just some of the important things you need to know about the CDPAP requirements for 2022. If you think you may be eligible for CDPAP, be sure to contact your local Medicaid office. They will be able to provide you with more information and help you get started with the application process.

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